
How Fashion for Good hired more people while keeping the process personal and bespoke.

Homerun has helped Fashion for Good decrease their time to hire so they can spend more time creating a personal, transparent and bespoke experience for their candidates.

Brittany Burns

Brittany Burns
Director of Strategy & Corporate Development

Fashion for Good team

Meet Fashion for Good

Fashion for Good is a global organization that aims to reimagine how clothing is designed, made, worn and reused so that fashion becomes a force for good.


People hired
in last year


per job post


in total


An agile and lightweight hiring process

Before Homerun: a decentralized approach to hiring

Like many companies, Fashion for Good's hiring process was ad hoc and reliant on an email inbox to accept applications. "Inbox organization with labels and folders was the only way we knew to keep an overview of the applications. And you can only go so far with this." As hiring efforts grew, it became more important than ever to professionalize the process.

With Homerun: A simple and organized tool to expand recruitment

As hiring increased, it helped the Fashion for Good team professionalize their process in a very agile and lightweight way. “Homerun holds our hand through each stage of the hiring process. Being able to shuffle candidates through each hiring stage has changed our approach to recruitment,” says Brittany.

Gif of the Kanban style overview page in Homerun, with candidates and the hiring stages.

In Homerun you can shuffle candidates through each hiring stage.

Brittany Burns

"The whole team loves Homerun and we really wonder how we did without for so long. We can't imagine the process without Homerun now."  
- Brittany, Fashion for Good


A consistent and personal experience for candidates

Before Homerun: Personalized feedback became a challenge as the team grew.

When the Fashion for Good (FFG) team was smaller, they could give each candidate personal feedback on their job application. This personal touch was important to FFG because candidates invest time and energy into their applications. But, as the team grew and the number of applications increased — with some job posts receiving hundreds of applications — maintaining this level of personalization became a real challenge.

With Homerun: More focus on the candidate experience with streamlined processes.

Homerun allows Fashion for Good to tag applications with labels (e.g., "too junior for the role") and send bulk emails addressing specific reasons for rejection. "This way, we can efficiently provide feedback that's still specific to each candidate. We aim to offer a streamlined, fair, and transparent process, and the communication tool in Homerun is essential for this," says Brittany. "We now spend more time evaluating the hundreds of applicants because Homerun saves us time on other parts of the process." Their hiring process is now personalized and efficient — handling a high volume of candidates is no sweat.

How to keep multiple candidates in the loop and send a bulk email from Homerun’s over view page.

Brittany Burns

"Having a tool that takes the heavy lifting off us means we can spend more time evaluating candidates to find the right match."
- Brittany, Fashion for Good

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