Employer Branding

1-2-click and invite candidates with Event templates

When you’re inviting a candidate for a phone screen or interview, event templates help you get those invites to candidates out faster and more efficiently. Pre-filled with almost all the event information – all you need to do is set a time, date and add any team members.

Speedy invites

We’ve given the event button on the candidate profile a small update so you’ll now see a list of available event templates. This way you’ll no longer need to start writing the invite from scratch or double check information with your team members. All the info you need is already there, personalized and ready to go.

Tailored and personalized

We’ve added three event templates to your account to help you get set up and to give you an idea of how these templates work. From here, you can set up your own event templates and edit, delete, move or duplicate templates – just as you would with your email templates.

When working on an event template, you can personalize the event description by using placeholders, allowing every candidate to receive a personalized event invite.

Prepare for your interviews

Event templates help you prepare for rounds of phone screens or interviews, and make sure that every candidate receives the correct information that they need. If you’re in charge of the hiring process or interviews, you can set up your event templates in advance for future communication. When it’s time to invite candidates, you (or a team member) can use your prepared template and not worry about having to add the right info – it’s already there!

To learn more about setting up and using these templates, take a look at this Help Center article. Together with our latest RSVP tracking feature for events, as well as other event features coming up, we’re helping you to hire better, faster and remain organized.

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