Employer Branding

Track RSVPs with updated Events

Seasons change. Feelings change. And so do schedules and events! That’s why we’re happy to announce our most recent update to Homerun Events.

With RSVP tracking, updated event invitations and event information synced to your calendar app, we’re helping you stay on top of meetings with multiple candidates and team members.

These small but powerful updates aim to keep everyone in the loop in real time. Here’s more in depth info on the most recent updates:

A clear overview of event RSVPs

The biggest update is the new RSVP tracking feature, which helps you keep track of which attendees have accepted, declined or indicated that they might attend your upcoming event. The updated event card in the candidate profile and the one on your dashboard show the current RSVP status of all attendees.

Should the candidate or any of your team members change their attendance status for the event, the event card is updated automatically. This allows you to reschedule or update the event quickly, if needed.

Screenshot of Homerun event card showing details for an upcoming candidate interview

Updated event invitation for candidates

We’ve also updated the invitation email that candidates receive when they’re invited for an event. The updated email shows clear Accept or Decline buttons which the candidate can use to let you know if they’ll attend.

Candidates can also use the RSVP buttons from their personal calendar app on their phone, laptop or computer to update their RSVP. If the candidate makes any changes to their attendance status, these are automatically reflected on your dashboard, as well as on the candidate profile in your Homerun account.

A screenshot of an event invite to a candidate with details as to where the event will be held and who will be there.

Event information synced and updated with your personal calendar app

Whenever an attendee (either a candidate or a team member) is invited for an event, the event is also automatically added to their personal calendar app. Should you update the event in your Homerun account (like changing the date, time or location of the event), the event will update automatically in everyone’s calendar.

This streamlined process gives both the candidate and the team members access to all the information they need within their calendar and the ability to set aside ample time to prepare for the upcoming event!

Stay tuned for even more updates to Homerun Events. If you have any feedback so far, let us know by reaching out to support@homerun.co

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