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Add notes in style

Structuring your notes is essential for clear team communication, that's why we're introducing styling to team notes. You can make use of the classic, well-known options like bold, italic, and underscore, as well as hyperlinks and lists. This will make longer notes more easy to read, and helps you convey your thoughts more accurately.

Structuring your notes

Use bold to divide your notes into sections. This way, you could create a simple scorecard, like we've done using bold headers and some copy-pasted emojis:

Example of styling to create a scorecard

Or use lists to structure your thoughts:

Example of creating a list

Linking to documents

Refer your team members to external documents, like results of an assignment, with the use of hyperlinks:

Example of creating a link

Combine the use of styling with our other update: sensitive notes. If you want to share information with just a part of the hiring team, simply mark the note as sensitive:

Example of a sensitive note with styling

More improvements to notes

With editing notes, styling in notes, and sensitive notes, we've upgraded the notes section to be a more powerful part of Homerun. We hope this will improve the way you work with your team.

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