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Hiring an intern: A complete guide

Everything you need to know to find and hire your next great intern.

So you’re thinking of hiring an intern. Kudos to you! When done right, internships provide incredible mentorship opportunities for your team and help the next generation gain invaluable skills that will impact their future careers. According to a 2022 study from Zippia, having internship experience increases a graduate’s chance of receiving at least one job offer by up to 32% following graduation. 🚀

There are plenty of benefits for you as a company too, including the fresh insights and perspectives interns bring, help with tasks and projects, plus the ability to create a referral network and recruit future team members! (That same study from Zippia found that 70% of interns are offered a job at the company where they interned and of those, 80% accept the offers.)

Hiring an intern for your small business takes some planning and preparation, but once you’ve got a system in place, you’ll see that it creates a win-win situation for everyone. Read on to find out exactly how to hire an intern in five clear steps.

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