Employer Branding

Save changes without publishing when you need to sleep on it

The Live Editor (for career pages and active jobs) now has two buttons  – 'Save' and 'Publish' – where it previously only had one  – 'Publish'. This means you can save changes you make without immediately publishing them for candidates to see.

This allows you to save your work, close your browser, and pick up where you left off the next day. It also allows anyone on the team to access the latest saved version of a job, so that they can help out with design or copy before publishing.

Preview before publishing – just to be sure

Want to see exactly what your page will look like before you publish? You can now hit the 'Preview' button to see your job before you publish it. You can even copy the link and open it on another device if you want to preview what it will look like there.

Preview custom code too!

The new previews also support custom code, allowing you to see the effect of your custom code before publishing. Super useful for you coding wizards! 🧙‍♀️

Version history allows you to backtrack and rewind

Making big changes to your jobs? Regret deleting something from your job or have you accidentally overwritten something? We got you! With the new Version history function you can now:

  • Open, save, preview, and publish previously saved versions of your page
  • See who in your team saved changes to your page and when
  • See who in your team published which version and when

We hope this makes editing your career page and jobs a lot smoother. Let us know what you think!

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