
Embed your Instagram feed on your career site to showcase your company culture and engage with candidates in a visually captivating way.


Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social media platform that allows users to share their visual experiences, connect with others and discover new content. Businesses can showcase their employer brand, culture and job openings in a more personal and immersive way via Instagram.

How it works

With Homerun's Instagram integration, you can easily embed your Instagram feed on your career page or job post, giving candidates a visually appealing and interactive experience when exploring job opportunities. This lets you combine the power of visual storytelling and social media engagement to attract, engage and convert top talent. By sharing images and videos that highlight your team, office space and company events, you give candidates a behind-the-scenes look at your organization and an opportunity to connect with you and learn more. Note: Once you've added the Instagram job block to your career site and connected your account, it is automatically updated with your latest photos and videos.

Helpful links

To learn how to add your Instagram feed to your career page or job post, visit our Help Center article. And for more on ways to use Instagram to improve your career site, check out this article.

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