
How TNW hired 100 teammates in 2 years with Homerun.

For The Next Web’s (TNW) hiring team, Homerun has become the central point of communication with their candidates, bringing zen to a chaotic recruitment process. Here’s how they hired 100 teammates in two years with Homerun’s ATS.

Joanna Szot

Joanna Szot
Head of People

Signý Valgarðsdóttir

Signý Valgarðsdóttir
People operations

The Next Web team image

Meet The Next Web (TNW)

TNW is one of the world’s largest online publications delivering an international perspective on the latest tech news.


People hired
in last 2 years


per job post


in total


Streamlining TNW's hiring process

Facing the ambitious task of hiring for 100 roles in two years, TNW knew they needed a structured recruitment process.

As their team expanded, hiring became more time-consuming and resource-intensive. With each hire involving up to six team members, the lack of consistency in workflows led to chaos and impacted their ability to measure their hiring efforts.

Embracing Homerun as their recruitment tool, TNW gained clarity and efficiency.

Homerun's Kanban-style candidate overview allowed the People Ops team to track candidates' progress at every stage. This centralized platform streamlined candidate communication and coordination, ensuring prompt scheduling of interviews. Along with that, managers could easily provide input by specifying key interview questions directly within Homerun.

Gif of the Kanban style overview page in Homerun, with candidates and the hiring stages.

Example of the Kanban style overview page with candidates and the hiring stages.

Joanna Szot

"Whenever I want to know the status of an open role I don't need to have a call with everyone involved in the hiring process. I can just look in Homerun and see where we are. This transparency is very useful." - Joanna


Enhancing the candidate experience

Before Homerun, TNW's candidate were sometimes slipping through the cracks.

TNW has always been fortunate to attract high-quality candidates — they’ve built a brand that people love and aspire to be a part of. But without a structured recruitment process, candidates occasionally had to wait up to a month for a first reply.

With Homerun, TNW's hiring process got a major upgrade in transparency.

The People Ops team checks the Homerun dashboard weekly to give managers a friendly nudge if they’ve taken too long to respond. The "first reply" status in the candidate portal helps managers see who’s still waiting. Replies to candidates now only take an average of 10 days.

Signý Valgarðsdóttir

"The entire TNW team genuinely cares about the candidates that apply to our company. Homerun helps us reflect this value in our hiring process." - Signý

Screenshot of the first reply status for each job candidate in Homerun’s ATS.

Example of the reply status in the candidate overview list.


Beautiful job posts with consistent branding

Before Homerun, TNW's job posts lacked consistency in their design and content.

There were no guidelines for job posts, so each team did their own thing. Sometimes the posts were super creative, and other times, not so much — this resulted in a lack of uniformity across all of TNW’s job posts.

Homerun's templates keep TNW's job posts on-brand.

Now, all of TNW’s job posts visually belong to the same brand. With Homerun's no-code Live Editor, they created a draft template with their custom fonts, color palette, tailored layout and even a social share image. It’s easy for managers to publish and share new job postings that perfectly showcase their company culture.

The Next Web job post design

TNW's real job post with custom font, brand colours and images.

Joanna Szot

"I was shocked by how pretty Homerun was when I first started working with it. I was used to these old corporate job descriptions with only bullet points and that's it." - Joanna

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